2016 Peregrine Falcon Information


University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Peregrine Falcon 2016 information and webcam

Peregrine Falcons have been present on the UWM campus for several years frequently seen soaring above or perched on several of the high rise buildings on campus. In particular, much activity has been observed on the Engineering & Mathematical Sciences Building. In the fall of 2007, Greg Septon of the Peregrine Falcon Recovery Program, toured the EMS site and encouraged University officials and scientists to build and install a nest box at the site. Plans were drawn up for the box, UWM Physical Plant carpenters and other trades workers constructed and installed the nest box at a site chosen on the roof of the EMS building. Department Biological Sciences faculty and staff provide scientific observation and data reporting. Thomas Hansen from the WATER Institute, Monica Cloutier from UTIS and Thomas Schuck from Biological Sciences helped construct and maintain this web site.

Animal Care and Use Protocol number 14-15 #36

6-11-2016 – Last chick in the nest box.

6-11-2016 – And then there were 2.

6-9-2016 – 3 chicks watching the sunset

6-8-2016 – Stretching those wings

6-7-2016 – 3 chicks up on the ledge of the nest box

6-5-2016 – 2 chicks looking out over the world

6-3-2016 – No little fluff balls anymore

6-1-2016 – First chick up on the ledge of the nest box

6-1-2016 – 3 chicks

6-1-2016 – Chick selfie

6-1-2016 – Female with 3 chicks

5-29-2016 – Many new feathers on the chick now

5-27-2016 – Chick close ups

5-27-2016 – Resting his head on a rock

5-26-2016 – Chicks are much more active now moving around the nest box and competing over food. With female.

5-26-2016 – Smaller male chick

5-24-2016 – Chick head shot

5-19-2016 – Female (left) and male (right) watching over the nest box after the chick have been returned

5-19-2016 – Male in flight over us. A broom is used to ward of the attack.

5-19-2016 – Female scolding us as we replace the chicks

5-19-2016 – 3 Chicks back in the nest box

5-19-2016 – 3 Chicks with new bands

5-19-2016 – Showing the size of the chick’s foot

5-19-2016 – Nothing like a sib to curl up with